What happens if I delete a biller who sends me E-bills?
When you delete a biller, we will automatically remove the biller from your Biller List and notify the biller to stop sending your bills electronically.  An...
Tue, 3 Dec, 2019 at 12:01 AM
What if my request for E-bills is rejected?
If your request for E-bills is rejected, you have a couple of options: 1. You can try to request E-bills again.  When registering, make sure you enter you...
Tue, 3 Dec, 2019 at 12:02 AM
What happens if the amount due for an E-bill exceeds the maximum amount automatically paid?
If the minimum amount due for an E-bill exceeds the maximum amount set up for Auto-Pay, WebPay will not automatically schedule the payment.  You will receiv...
Tue, 3 Dec, 2019 at 12:03 AM
What information is printed on the paper checks you send?
Paper checks mailed through WebPay display the same information that you have entered for a biller: - Your name - Biller name - Biller account number - Paym...
Tue, 3 Dec, 2019 at 12:04 AM
What is Auto-Pay?
Auto-Pay is an optional feature available for billers that can send E-bills.  Auto-Pay automatically pays E-bills by scheduling the payment date in time for...
Tue, 3 Dec, 2019 at 12:07 AM
What is WebPay?
WebPay allows you to schedule payments to any person or company, as well as, receive and pay bills online through WebBanking.  You can set up repeating paym...
Tue, 3 Dec, 2019 at 12:07 AM
What is a biller?
A biller is any company, service, or individual you make payments to using WebPay.  Billers can be anyone who bills you, such as your telephone company or c...
Tue, 3 Dec, 2019 at 12:08 AM
What is the earliest payment date I can schedule for a payment?
When a payment amount is entered for a biller, the next available payment date will be listed under "Pay Date."  The earliest available date may v...
Tue, 3 Dec, 2019 at 12:14 AM
When does a biller receive my payment?
WebPay payments are sent in advance to arrive by the scheduled payment date.  Note: Some billers may take longer to credit the payment to your account.  Pl...
Tue, 3 Dec, 2019 at 12:18 AM
When is the money for the payment withdrawn from my payment account?
WebPay payments can be sent one of three different ways.  When possible, a payment is sent electronically.  This is solely determined by the biller.  This t...
Tue, 3 Dec, 2019 at 12:19 AM