How do payments show up on my payment account statement?
WebPay payments can be sent one of three different ways.  When possible, a payment is sent electronically.  This is solely determined by the biller.  This t...
Mon, 2 Dec, 2019 at 11:41 PM
How does WebPay work?
There are two basic steps involved in using WebPay to make online payments: Set up your billers. Schedule payments. When you first begin using the serv...
Mon, 2 Dec, 2019 at 11:42 PM
How does a biller receive my money?
WebPay payments can be sent one of three different ways.  When possible, a payment is sent electronically.  This is solely determined by the biller.  This t...
Mon, 2 Dec, 2019 at 11:43 PM
How does electronic billing work with WebPay?
WebPay allows you to schedule payments and receive and pay bills within WebBanking.  Payments can be made to anyone, for any business day, and to anywhere i...
Mon, 2 Dec, 2019 at 11:44 PM
How far in advance of the due date should I schedule my payments?
When scheduling a payment, the first available payment date allowed will pre-populate next to the payment amount.  The payment date you enter is the date yo...
Mon, 2 Dec, 2019 at 11:45 PM
How long does it take to receive E-bills from a biller?
It may take up to two weeks for the biller to process your request to initiate E-bills. Once your request has been accepted, it may take a month or more, de...
Mon, 2 Dec, 2019 at 11:46 PM
How secure is my bill payment and personal information?
WebPay uses several methods to ensure that your information is secure:   SSL:  WebPay uses SSL (secure sockets layer) which ensures that your connection a...
Mon, 2 Dec, 2019 at 11:46 PM
I changed my user name and password at the biller's web site and I haven't received any new bills. What should I do?
Any changes with the biller or the log in information used to access your account with a specific biller will need to remain up-to-date.  To update this inf...
Mon, 2 Dec, 2019 at 11:48 PM
I chose to start receiving E-bills from a biller and now I want to start getting my bills mailed to me again. How do I do that?
To begin receiving your bills through the physical mail, you will need to cancel your E-bills for that biller.  To do so, click on "Manage My Bills.&qu...
Mon, 2 Dec, 2019 at 11:49 PM
I forgot my password for a biller's web site. What should I do?
Go to the biller's web site and follow the procedures to obtain your password.  If your password and/or user name for that biller changes, this informat...
Mon, 2 Dec, 2019 at 11:49 PM