Some billers may not credit your account immediately after receiving a payment.  Follow the steps below if a payment has not been credited to your account:

1. Wait at least five days after the scheduled payment date to see if the biller credits the payment to your account.
2. If the payment has not applied the payment to your account, call the biller's customer service department to see if they received the payment and credited your account.
3. When you call, verify the account number and mailing address for this biller.

4.  Gather the following information from the biller:
- The name of the person who assisted you with your payment question.
- The phone number you called to contact the biller.
- The date you called the biller to inquire about your payment.
- The amount of any late fees and/or finance charges assessed.
4. If you have received a late fee but scheduled your payment on time, ask the biller if they will waive any late fees and/or finance charges.
5. If the payment has not been credited to your account or if the biller will not waive any fees charged, contact us either through Live Chat or by calling Member Services at (336) 774-3400 or (800) 782-4670